About Us

Collective names we respond to : Canidae, Canine, Coyote, Pup, Xavier, online usernames. We're bodily an adult and our pronouns are ey/he/they. Below are our main flags that apply to all of us in some way.


A broad term to encompass all of our varying not-necessarily/non-cishet attraction experiences


We're not male or female overall, see system-fluid


A genderfluid identity that just means our gender identity changes and fluctuates depending on what alter is fronting


This means we are sometimes asexual, sometimes not - it also changes and fluctuates


We don't see ourselves as human, and prefer this term over other terms for the most part because 1) we are actively trying to live and look more canine, and 2) the way our species dysphoria/identity operates mirrors and is intertwined with our gender dysphoria/identity

We are an autistic, furry, canine system. We've been a furry for about 9 years, and nonhuman for about 8 years. Our special interests are anything related to furries and alter/nonhumanity. We're also a brony and little/cubfur. Being such a strange group ourselves, we believe everyone deserves some patience and understanding.

We're a traumagenic & disordered system, but believe if we hadn't been formed from trauma we would have been plural eventually anyways. Sometimes we see our plurality in a spiritual sense.

We are disabled and struggle a lot with sensory input, memory, consistency, social interactions, and communication. We are also generally working on our social anxiety and may take a while to respond. Please be patient! We alternate between saying we/us and I/me, and between posting separately/'signing off' or collectively.

Free Palestine. Fuck cops. If you support the genocide in any way get the fuck away. Pro-choice. Anti-fascist. Anti-censorship. We very much support fictional freedom, radical inclusivity, all forms of good-faith self identification/labels, sex/kink/fetish positivity, all queerness, alterhumanity/nonhumanity, and plurality. TLDR; We don't care what labels you use, what goes on in your head, what you draw, etc. - as long you are not actually hurting anybody in some way, you're fine in our book.


[18+, some NSFW] @canidae_collective